

Seminar on Madrid System for International Registration of Marks

May 2013

A two day seminar will be organised by WIPO on the Madrid system for international registration of marks. The programme, to be held on 3rd and 4th June, 2013 in Geneva, will commence with an overview  of the recent developments under the Madrid system and will discuss on role of Office of Origin, role of International Bureau, examination by the Bureau and role of the designated contracting party.  

The second day will be devoted to management of international registrations, maintenance – limitation, renunciation, change in ownership and so on, web-based client services, question and answer session along with practical examples. 

The panel of speakers will include a trademark attorney from private sector and a representative from a selected Contracting Party of the Madrid system besides experienced staff members from WIPO.  

For details refer : http://www.wipo.int